導演:侯孝賢 HOU Hsiao-hsien
年代:1982 | 片長 :91 min | 出品國:台灣/金世紀影片(香港)公司
作品語言:國語、台語 演員: 鳳飛飛(飾 蕭幸慧)|阿B/鐘鎮濤(飾 顧金石)|陳友(飾 羅介文/羅仔)|梅芳(飾 校長)|三叔公/周萬生(飾 蕭父)|石英(飾 販仔)|吳玲(飾 蕭母)| 工作人員: 導演:侯孝賢|編劇:侯孝賢|副導:許淑真|製片:張華坤|助理製片:王海龍|監製:姚白雪|策劃:陳坤厚|攝影指導:陳坤厚|攝影:李思莊|燈光:黃金蒼|劇照:陳銘君|剪輯:廖慶松|藝術指導:紀凱慶|音樂:左宏元|錄音:忻江盛|配樂:林燦清|作曲:克一|作詞:羽伸|主唱:阿B/鐘鎮濤、寶玲|劇務:武占洋|場記:鄭亞靖|化粧:廖淑珍|梳粧:陳秀娟|服裝:朱靜文|道具:鍾聰發|出品人:葉振峰|出品:金世紀影業公司 | 【劇情大綱】 羅介文(羅仔)是廣告片的導演,蕭幸慧(鳳飛飛)則是攝影。某日大夥到澎湖出外景,蕭幸慧巧遇暫住澎湖外婆家的顧金台(鍾鎮濤)。原本是實習醫生的金台,兩年前因車禍導致雙眼失明,現在在等合適的眼角膜。回到台北的幸慧再度遇見金台,她主動照顧行動不方便的金台。醫院來電告知斯里蘭卡有批眼角膜,金台因此有機會可以做眼角膜移植手術。手術結束後,蕭幸慧臨時回鹿谷替弟弟代課。等到恢復視力,顧金台便馬上到鹿谷找蕭幸慧。 兩人感情日漸加溫,金台聊天時順勢向幸慧求婚,但幸慧說她有個夢想,希望到歐洲各地去看看,還不想結婚。金台表示願意等到幸慧完成自己的夢想,就算幸慧不回來,他也願意飛過去找她。兩人先後回到台北,金台把握一分一秒和幸慧相處的時間。出發前,金台才知道原來羅仔和幸慧一起去歐洲,羅仔認為幸慧是她的女朋友。金台憤而轉頭離去。出發前幸慧來找金台卻沒見到他,幸慧留了信告白對金台的感情。登機前一刻,金台終於趕來,兩人開心的道別。
Cheerful Wind
by HOU Hsiao-hsien 1982 | 91min | Color | Fiction | Mandarin |2K restoration Hsing-hui works as an assistant cameraperson for advertisement director Luo-tzu, whom she has been keeping at arm’s length in the face of his romantic pursuit. In a chance encounter, Hsing-hui meets doctor Chin-tai; they fall in love and agree to see each other again after Chin-tai’s surgery. Meanwhile, Luo-tzu has not given up his pursuit of Hsing-hui and plans to fulfill her dream of visiting Europe. Caught between dreams and love, Hsing-hui makes a very astonishing choice. Through scenes of everyday life, director HOU Hsiao-Hsien effortlessly illustrates the interactions and inner feelings of the male and female leads. Despite adopting the form and style of a mainstream film, HOU employs a narrative approach that nonetheless offers a true reflection of the society of the time. |