導演:李行、方霞(張方霞)、田豐 LEE Hsing , CHANG Fang-hsia , Feng Tien
年代:1959 | 片長 :83 min | 出品國:台灣/台聯影業公司
原始規格:35mm/黑白/ 演出: 矮仔財(即張福財)|李冠章|柯玉霞|林琳|戽斗(即高來福)|游星田|林彬|高來福|游星田|王連芳|日月潭|毛王爺|大公主|三公主|白牡丹|紅牡丹| 工作人員: 導演:李行、方霞(張方霞)、田豐|製片:楊祖光|編劇:蕭銅|監製:賴國材|攝影:陳忠信|助理:蘇燈炎|照明:陳忠義|助理:劍峰、瞳浩|錄音:林焜圻|助理:趙保羅|剪接:沈業康|沖印:廖繼耀|音樂、作曲:周藍萍|劇務:王聯芳|場記:葉崧|場務:孫鴻烈|助理製片:李溯|佈景:王以炤|攝製:臺聯電影企業社| 【劇情大綱】 身材壯碩的王哥(李冠章)和瘦小的柳哥(張福財)是一對好朋友。王哥替人擦鞋,柳哥則靠踩三輪車維生。 生意差時,三餐不濟,總是靠柳哥的未婚妻阿花從家裏偷拿飯菜給他們吃。阿花不僅不嫌棄柳哥,還答應要和他結婚。兩人在路上遇到算命「小神仙」(戽斗),他鐵口直斷王哥在三日內會發大財,而柳哥則活不過四十四天,要他趕快回家準備後事。果真王哥三天內中了愛國彩卷二十萬元。柳哥則因擔心大限來臨,整天鬱鬱寡歡。阿花的媽媽便建議王哥帶柳哥出去散心。就這樣,重義氣的王哥帶著柳哥全台玩透透。 兩人從木柵的仙公廟(指南宮)開始、碧潭遊湖、中和的圓通寺、在新北投泡溫泉,接著搭火車到台中、高雄。在屏東三地門打獵時被原住民瓜抓走,部落公主看上柳哥還主動獻身,柳哥趁隙逃跑,大享豔福的王哥卻依依不捨不願離開。遊歷台南的安平古堡、孔廟,在赤崁樓時替被高利貸業者追債的阿婆還錢,卻反而被流氓盯上,王哥柳哥不得不扮成女人,好不容易才得以脫困。
Wang and Liu Tour in Taiwan
by LEE Hsing , CHANG Fang-hsia , Feng Tien 1958 ∣ 155min ∣ B&W ∣ Fiction ∣ Taiwanese ∣ 2K restoration ★ 2011 Udine Far East Film Festival Overweight shoeshiner Wang and skinny rickshaw driver Liu are the best friends and roommates. One day, they come across a fortune teller who offers a peculiar forecast: that Wang will become very wealthy in 3 days but that Liu will die in 44 days. When Wang strikes gold by winning the lottery, just as predicted, the celebratory mood is soon eclipsed by the reminder that Liu’s death also has been forecast. With his newfound wealth, Wang decides to reward Liuwith the trip of a lifetime. Carrying around a suitcase full of cash, the working-class twosome embarks on a road trip around the beautiful island of Taiwan. Enjoying a lavish lifestyle as inexperienced big spenders, they find themselves in unexpected situations and amusing predicaments, one after another… |