導演:陳洪民 CHEN Hung-min
年代:1968 | 片長 :88 min | 出品國:台灣
作品語言:台語 原始規格:35mm/黑白/2.35 : 1/無字幕 演員: 柳青│楊麗花│金玫│葛小寶│金塗│康明│吳炳南│易原│林琳│周萬生│英英│楊長江│藍瑛│施月娘│黃胖│矮仔塗 工作人員: 導演:陳洪民|編劇:諸戈|監製:蔣杰、劉伯樊|製片:游爐、詹錫藩|音樂:黃錫山|剪輯:南方仁|攝影:黃瑞章|攝影助理:楊弘|燈光/照明:王楓|武術指導:康明|錄音:自立錄音公司:林焜圻|效果:哈都|化粧:楊長江|梳粧/髮型:黃萬根|劇務:游進芳|服裝:淑華美│美術:劉烟田│發行公司:新高有限公司│沖、洗印:大都彩色沖印公司 涂秋林 【劇情大綱】 某夜五更時分,『九毒鏢主』陸天霸、「追魂針王」曹森雄、『青龍飛刀』柯英強突襲楊秉忠府,一場屠殺下來,家僕攜三幼女秀鳳、青鳳、芝鳳脫險,但皆分散。十五年後,三鳳均長大成人,復仇意念愈發堅定。秀鳳拜師學成喬扮男裝下山尋仇,先擊退二頭目。曹突擊芝鳳,青鳳趕來相救,秀鳳亦至,於窄巷殺曹,另一方面,青鳳、芝鳳姊妹相認,欣喜不已。秀鳳於山林殺二頭目,不幸受傷,青鳳、芝鳳見之急救,芝鳳見男裝的秀鳳英俊貌美,遂暗戀之。秀鳳至柯宅,人去樓空,正當破口大罵,青鳳、芝鳳來到,至此,青鳳、芝鳳才知秀鳳原是她們的大姊。陸、柯與三鳳相約決鬥於絕命崗,三鳳因寡不敵眾,不支退敗,秀鳳、芝鳳不幸落入陷阱,青鳳倖免得以脫逃。狂風大雨之夜,秀鳳、芝鳳被綁在架上,柯欲放火燒死她們,青鳳及時解救,並合力殺柯。三鳳與陸決戰,至黎明,殺向山巔,三鳳利用誘敵之計,終於將陸刺死。三鳳大仇已報,相偕而去。
Vengeance of the Phoenix Sisters
by CHEN Hung-min 1968 ∣ 88min ∣ B&W ∣ Fiction ∣ Taiwanese ∣ 2K restoration A gang of malicious bandits raid the home of a former sheriff, murdering him and his wife. The sheriff’s three young daughters were ushered away by the servants and survived, hiding separately. Fifteen years later, the sisters have grown up to become warriors, adept at martial arts and swordsmanship. Each is determined to seek vengeance for the deaths of their parents. The eldest sister, disguised as a man, leaves her teacher and searches for the bandits, conducting chivalrous acts along the way. Eventually she crosses paths with her sisters, who both unwittingly fall in love with this handsome stranger. The bandit leader lures them to a final bloody showdown. Can the three sisters unite to avenge the murder of their parents? |